That’s Good For You

It’s been a year since I’ve actually written anything here, not surprising at all given my thoughts on most of you that read it. Obviously you know you’re insignificant.

I was reading through some e-mail and come across some from a very select few in this community that I have any kind of respect for. I’m missed greatly, of course. Then I also found some from a couple I couldn’t stand. One in particular stood out for me though. The freak who shall go nameless for now was whining like they have for the last 6 or 7 years that I’ve had to put up with their random blubbering to my inbox. Amazing.

Anyway, they mouthed off about The Free Software Foundation and any Libre distribution. I think they must secretly lust me or something, or feel that in some way by communicating with me they’re addressing some higher power, which thus justifies the reason they exist. Why else would they send me an e-mail almost two years after their last attempt at communicating with me, and all about why they won’t use a Libre distribution. (I like making Libre uppercase, it’s Elitist).

Personally, I couldn’t give a shit about their thoughts on the matter as much as I couldn’t give a shit about yours. The funny thing is though that they hit upon something that has bugged me for some time. They worded their e-mail perfectly. So although they’re not getting a response to their e-mail, which is the norm for them, I’m going to discuss it here. A boon for all of you, getting to see how amazing I still am.

For quite a while I was sick, and I became like a lot of you probably, fat. It sickened me to no end to think I succumbed to even a small part of the kind of life you posers would lead. It got to the point where I said to myself, “Self, look at you, you look like them, do something about it”, and I did. I started on the road to returning to a Complete and True Elitist about 10 or so months ago. It was hard going, and being Canadian meant I had to endure Winter while trying to exercise. Due to that it wasn’t until later this Spring that it kicked into high gear for me. I’ve lost 30+ lbs and can now run 7 mph on a treadmill for an elevation of 9 for 15 minutes solid. It’s only going to get better as well. I’m also working out, doing what you call “Two A Days”, full body workouts, every other day, no weekends off. I’ve been doing Intermittent Fasting as well. I’m goin’ hardcore. Why? I’m an Elitist, I can.

While discussing this with people I know personally I’ve had a few of them tell me that it’s good for me that I do that, or nice that I can, they are busy doing this, or they are busy doing that, they’re not like me, they don’t have the time to do all these things. It’s funny, they strike it down, devaluing what I’m doing, and placing great emphasis on ‘all’ of the things they have to do that stops them from doing something else. What’s even more amusing is that the three people who have said this to me are three people who have always put this great importance on what the rest of The Elitists of the world would consider mundane at best. They even run around like chicken’s with their heads cut off, getting nowhere fast. Everything’s a crisis, everything’s extreme, and you best know that. The majority of what they do rushed I could do casually in my spare time. Yet, for the simple fact that you’re far superior to them and able to manage your time and other parts of your life far more intelligently, they feel inadequate enough (and rightly so, no?) to make themselves seem somehow important.

These are people who always have excuses for every single thing in their life. They justify every little thing. They have to, they love being the victim in their own eyes. They love the attention that it all brings them. They want people to agree with their excuses to make them feel all warm and fuzzy inside. I had one of them today telling me how hard their life was and I was so lucky that I don’t have to deal with a lot of important things in my life. I busted a gut and actually laughed at them. Then when they asked what was so funny, I told them. Trust me, too, I told them. I don’t think I’ll ever have to again either. Ever.

Why the whole spiel on that topic? The microsoft loving returd that e-mailed me did the same thing. He whined about how he doesn’t have the time to look for the solutions to using his computer with only Libre Applications. He doesn’t have the money to go out and buy a computer that is fully supported by a Libre Distribution. (The last one I bought new I found easily and only paid about $247 or the like for a 15.6 laptop, all in) He’s too busy in his life to deal with the ‘hassle’ of learning something new, or to mess around with things that don’t “Just Work” “Out of The Box”. Yes, two catch-phrases that make me want to puke. Then he went on to tell me, “That’s good for you to use since you have all that time to waste on stupid things.”  Meanwhile he’s probably a greasy fingered fat freak who lives alone with 2 cats and a whole host of pet gerbils.  Has absolutely no social life, and hasn’t had anything really exciting happen in his life since the last time he went to a Manilow concert and swore Manilow turned and looked him right in the eye.

I love this community’s user-base for just this reason. The majority are converts from another operating system and they’re as clueless as hell. The best part is that even though they know it and agree privately, they do their best to hide it. They go about about telling you how busy they are, or they don’t have time to do this or that. Stop shotgunning fucking marshmallows (or gerbils) while watching that other fat freak on TV, Leno, and you actually might have the time.

As I seem to be told though, “I guess that’s good for you to do.”

Keep your stick on the ice…


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Traitors To The Cause

I absolutely hate monopolies. I mean HATE them. If I had billions of dollars I’d probably stomp all my competition into the ground. That’s simply because I’m an Elitist and it’s what an Elitist should do, vanquish all opposition. Since I’m not a Super Billionaire Elitist that means I get to fight the good fight and protest monopolies and their attempts at trying to rule anything in my world. Let’s face it too, I don’t care about you, I only care about one thing, my gracious Elitist self. So yes, in my world.

That leads me to this week’s discussion, the Red Hat monopoly!

You’re thinking that I’ve lost my mind. You’re wrong. Red Hat is a big fat monopoly. They’ve got their fingers in almost every FLOSS project pie, including The Linux Kernel. GNOME is pretty well Red Hat GNOME, and I’d say close to the same thing for the kernel.

They’re also so smart. They’re making you think that they love FLOSS and in turn love you. What a joke. They love money. If the money dried up and disappeared do you think any of what they do would continue? Do you think that they’d use their acquired wealth from everything they made off of this community to keep bringing you advances in the kernel, bug fixes to projects, security updates as well, or even still produce a distribution for you? Not in this lifetime. Their bottom line is the dollar, and they’re out to get it any way they can. The greatest part is that they can screw you by making you think that they love you, and thus they’re the great benefactors of the FLOSS world.

Now they’re lying in bed with Microsoft with this whole secure boot deal and just loving it. People bashed Novell for years because they made a deal with Microsoft and now Red Hat is sucking right up to them and most people couldn’t care less. They’re traitors, traitors to the cause. They don’t care about you, they want money, nothing more. They’ll make a deal with anyone they have to as long as they’re able to meet their bottom line, and screw anyone who thinks otherwise.

They do have on ace in the hole though, they’ve got their little robot boot lickers to run around the Interwebs and tell you how wrong anyone is for saying anything bad about Red Hat, or that there’s nothing wrong with this deal, they’re only doing it so you can boot your computer. Yes, Red Hat is paying out whatever it costs in licensing fees, and is willing to face the wrath of this community, only to make sure they can boot computers. Oh what a fool is he.

Which reminds me, one of their most stalwart of boot lickees, Adam Williamson is really trying to do his best to make everyone think that Red Hat is the Knight in shining armour, coming to our rescue. I wouldn’t trust a word coming out of his mouth. If he isn’t misleading you about something half the time, he doesn’t know what he’s talking about the other half, but sure as hell tries to make you think he does. I remember once when he categorically denied, and swore up and down that Red Hat/Fedora is not responsible in any way for the #fedora channel in IRC, and Fedora Unity was. Even though I knew he was lying, I discussed this with the ‘founder’ of Fedora Unity and he said it was bullshit, pure and simple. Adam Williamson at his best, spinmaster.

I’ve decided that even though I don’t like a BSD license, which of course I have very good reason, I’m going to finally return to supporting OpenBSD. Theo is one of the few people that care, and he stands up against the bullshit of traitors. My kind of guy.

Boycott this traitorous company that’s trying to take over every aspect of our community, and make whatever deal they can to further their secret and vile agenda. Vote with your conscience! Refuse to use anything Red Hat or Fedora.

Keep your stick on the ice…



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FSF’s Petition and The Little Trolls That Could

DistroWatch Weekly posts in their misc news section last week that The Free Software Foundation has a petition up and running about Secure Boot and a whole pile of crap involving it and Ubuntu. The post could put the FSF in a bad light.

Right now you’re thinking, so what Landor, nobody really takes DistroWatch seriously, especially since Jesse Smith has been writing there, and you’d be correct, but wrong too.

Some future Elitist wannabes are there reading, and absorbing everything, that don’t really know better. But on top of that, there’s the returds who actually think they have enough brain mass to form an opinion, and then of all blasphemies, voice it. I kid you not, go there weekly, you’ll see.

Last week one of them was ‘Newt’ (cough, and oops) ‘Fewt’ aka Wyatt or whatever, who cares. He builds one of the least ‘respect’ your freedom distributions there is, Fuduntu. The name alone should tell you the mindset here. Anyway, he goes rambling on in the comments section about how he would support the FSF ‘if’. Don’t you just love that? You know right away the post is going to be complete and utter bullshit when it starts off with ‘I would do this but’. Who the hell is this guy kidding? Seriously? He has a distribution that goes against every principle founded in the FSF, he’s talked about his distaste for the FSF before, and well, quite frankly, he’s not very smart, and he actually thinks anyone is going to believe he was thinking, ‘Golly dang! (swings his arm in front of him in disappointment) I was going to sign that petition and support them!’. Right, and he looks stupid for just posting it in a way the he would. I bet he took a long drag off his cigarette, petted his war trained pet gerbil, Alexander The Great, exhaled and said, ‘Yep, I really woulda, Alex’.

Then he goes on to show how little ability he has mentally when it comes to comprehending what he’s reading by completely misinterpreting something the FSF had posted about. They said that they considered windows malware on their computer hardware. He went on to talk about how it was childish of them to say such naughty things about great companies that are our competition and by all that’s prideful and full of rainbows, we shouldn’t be saying such bad things!!!!

Too stupid to understand that it was obviously a philosophical comment (I know, higher understanding is really beyond the returds, so genetically not really their fault) where they believed that anything that took away their rights and freedoms like windows does is malware. I completely agree, but I’m not only an Elitist, but an intelligent one that can see the obvious for what it is. Sadly, most others don’t. That leads to the other returd that posted some nincompoopery about the FSF last week.

This one was posted by whs001. Here’s what they had to say.

Thanks for the news item on Secure Boot. I went to the Free Software Foundation web site thinking that I might join in their petition, but I found that it contains this stupid sentence: “We commit that we will neither purchase nor recommend computers that strip users of this critical freedom.” First of all, why does an organization that is trying to gather broad public support for their viewpoint think that they should add a “commitment” (or really a threat) to the statement of that viewpoint? Second, even for someone who agrees in principle with the threatened action, isn’t there a plausible scenario in which (a) “secure boot” with no option for the user to disable it becomes standard so that you can’t buy a PC or a motherboard without it, and (b) hackers figure out a work-around so that users who want to disable it can do so even though the systems are not intended to allow that? What then becomes of the asinine pledge not to buy a computer that implements secure boot without a built-in way to disable it?

Do I have to explain just how stupid this person really is?

Ok, you talked me into it. They obviously didn’t want to sign the petition, they’re lying through their teeth. To nitpick in such an “asinine” manner makes it apparent for any true Elitist to figure out. What a foolish little returd. So the full intent was to attack the FSF, and then spread whatever crap they can come up with about it. Which is the norm for so many,  I have to ask though, does this freak think that if every single manufacturer produced only secure boot motherboards that the petition would still have any bearing? What do they think then? Do they believe that they’ll be arrested and charged with falsifying their fight for freedom if they then go out and buy a motherboard/system that has secure boot? Do they think they won’t be allowed? What an idiot.

Then the moron goes on to speak about hackers finding some dirty way around it, and maybe even possibly nullifying their agreement with the manufacturer. Yes, that’s exactly what the FSF wants, to find some dirty crack that in some cases could be illegal to implement. What a perfect scenario.

Obviously, if that fruit came to bear the fight would be lost at that point, but they signed the petition, they’re bound!!!!! What a freak.

I’ll make a real Elitist comment on this subject, if Secure Boot locks out FLOSS Operating Systems from all future computers “I personally will never build/buy a new computer again! Period!” That’s how you do it, freaks. It’s called having real balls when it matters

Last up for last week was this guy that tested the latest release for Parted Magic. He complains that it freezes or something like that, you can’t really tell with these newbs, they really have no clue. He then goes on to say:

It is probably a simple fix, but how would we know? Oops!

How would you know? Really? Well, how about actually debugging the problem like the developers would? How about making sure you burned the ISO correctly? How about Verifying the ISO? How about going to the forums instead of talking about it in the DistroWatch Weekly comments section, returd. Maybe that’s how you’d know eh?

Here’s some advice for all you returds out there that think you know what you’re talking about, message me first. That’s right, message me first, run your ideas or comments by me first before you post them. In fact, don’t even write a thing, I’ll script your comments for you, believe me, we’ll all be far better off.

Keep your stick on the ice…


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How-to of The Day

I don’t have a lot of time, but I’m in a generous mood and want to help all the returds out there try to climb out of whatever intellectual mire their lives inhabit.

Here’s a quick and easy command for you to do.

Open a terminal emulator.

Either become root or use sudo with the follow command

So either type

su and then enter, and type in your root password when asked, then type

shutdown -h now , and immediately follow that with enter.

If you’re using sudo it would be,

sudo shutdown -h now, followed by hitting enter, then entering your user password and hitting enter again.

Whatever you do! Do not, and I repeat, DO NOT!!!! Do anything with your computer until you read my next how-to that I’ll post shortly. It’s far too dangerous to, trust me!

Hope that helps, returds…..

Keep your stick on the ice…


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Beam Me Up, Rover – An Elitist Look at Puppy

Well, we’re at a milestone here for The Arrogant Linux Elitist, the very first review as you can see, and it’s of a distribution that is classic when it comes to me, Puppy. I couldn’t think of anything more fitting than to do my very first review with it! So let’s get to it, I’ve got crap to do!

Before we even start let’s give the Puppy team the benefit of the doubt and read their release announcement for the 5.2.5 release.

“Lucid Puppy is our official flagship Puppy Linux release. Version 5.2 was released on January 6th and since then the team has been feverishly developing the next version — and it has now arrived! Lucid Puppy 5.2.5 is the most leading-edge Lucid ever. It has Bash 4.1.0, Syslinux 4.03, and e2fsprogs 1.41.14, the latest from Ubuntu ‘Natty’. It now has JWM 500, up from 493. Gnumeric 1.10.13 is a necessity because a forum member had posted a bug to Gnumeric that is corrected in 1.0.13. Lucid 5.2.5 uses the Woof of February 28 replacing the Woof of November 28 for three months of progress in Woof development. All of the favorite Puppy programs are there in their latest versions.”

The very first thing that comes to mind when I read that? Flagship? Flagship!!!! The fanatic freaks have a flagship!!!!! That means they have a fleet, and they’re mobile, hide!!!!  That’s pretty scary to say the least! Wondering why? Here’s why. Even Barry Kauler considers the community around the Linux Kernel based operating system known as Puppy, rabid! Yes, rabid! He’s had enough of them freakout and bite the hand that feeds them that he publicly announced that he was leaving the project pretty well for good over the actions, and ill treatment, by some of the community.

That’s when you really know there’s a whole pile of really bent freaks, fanatically bent, surrounding your distribution, when you actually see the Developer/Founder want to leave even if it’s only because of one of them. Believe me, many of them are foaming at more than the keyboard. Flagship, scary.

Here’s a fairly recent screen shot of one of the freaks whimpering at Ladislav Bodnar/

I think that says it all about just how weird they really are. Ladislav just ignored the returd. I really love when he does that too. It even makes me laugh when he does it to me! lmao!

I’m not going to talk about any of the boring crap that other reviewers waste your time with. You know, the download, the mirrors, the size, booting, what a bunch of crap. Any freak can figure that out, this is a review by an Elitist, not a guide on how to be redundant.

So when I get to the desktop the above was what I saw! Wait! Sorry. Wrong image. It does fit though, because the Puppy freaks running the show are now using packages from King UBU. I guess it’s true, every freak has to spin, or base off of Ubuntu to try to look cool. The funny part is these goons are only doing it now. That’s how slow they are! lmao! Think about it, there’s hundreds of King UBU clones our there for years and only recently the Puppy rejects go, Hey! I know something cool! Let’s use Ubuntu somehow and be Big Dogs! We’re so smart!!!!! Returds.

Here’s the screen shot of the desktop that greeted me.

How ugly is that? Look at the icon for the menu, it’s horrible!  They tried to mix that King UBU circle crap with the Puppy Logo. I don’t know what’s worse, the seagull from the old Puppy that looked like it was going to crap on you, or this one. They’re both sad. Really sad.

When I looked at the desktop I immediately yelled! Only a returd would put so many icons on the desktop. Are they really that stupid in their community that they don’t know how to look in the menus? Or is it because the menus are so cluttered and stupidly laid out this was their solution for it? More than 4 icons on the desktop, and that’s even pushing it, gives Puppy an instant FAILED!

To the menus though. I thought Bodhi was stupidly laid out. Puppy’s had years to screw it up royally, and believe me, they’ve taken full advantage of that time to. Go look for yourselves if you don’t believe me. There’s obviously zero common sense coming from that camp.

After scouring the menus, I finally found a terminal and opened it. I tried to find Emacs, Irssi, MPD,  Mutt, none were present.

That’s it for the look at Puppy 5.2.5 . It’s a complete waste of time for anyone that’s not a fanatic. The community is full of freaks that from time to time lift their leg toward the actual founder of the distribution. They copy King UBU just like every other freak distribution does and think they’re cool for it. The desktop is as ugly as sin with the ugly looking King UBU / Puppy cross-bred logo. Then they make an ugly, bland, nearly invisible wallpaper even worse with the ugly logo imposed on it as well. They have icons everywhere because the developers are too stupid to clean up the menus, and the community is too stupid to use them anyway.  Then it was missing important applications. Ones that any real elitist needs for their day to day computer use.

All of that means one thing, Puppy 5.2.5. –

Somehow I think that makes the whole desktop look so much better, don’t you?

Keep your stick on the ice…



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Returds In All Their Glory

I really don’t want this blog to end up all about DistroWatch, or DistroWatch Weekly. I’ve got far better things in mind for it than the dumb bastards that have come to reside in the comments section. I have to ask too, what happened to the intelligent discourse of a few years ago? I know the answer, returds. It’s still sad though.

With that said, I’ll make this brief!


Patrick!!!!! WoW!

I’ve seen stupid, and then I’ve seen Patrick’s level of stupid. What an amazing difference. I was quickly scrolling through the comments by returds, ignoring them and I caught the very last couple sentences of Captain Planet’s comment. I didn’t even waste my time reading the whole comment. I’ve learned very quickly that he’s quite stupid, and as we’ve come to understand, very Linear with blinders on.  I did read the time he posted it,  more on why that’s important in a moment..lmao!! WoW!!!!!!

Captain Planet is so dense he is too thick to realise one of his follies yet again. Man, I really love what these freaks come up with sometimes. Here’s his comment:

“A binary package directly from Oracle is what you’ll get in Gentoo, and is exactly the same thing as you CAN USE in Debian. There is no difference how the two projects are dealing with this change. So either you moved away from Debian for no good reason, or it is time for you to abandon Gentoo also.”

Do any of you that are non-returds see the fallacy in his statement?  Let me give you a bit more information since that’s not actually a lot to go on. I stated that is still in the Gentoo Portage Tree. I didn’t explain that it’s the -bin (binary) file, not source. Gentoo is still offering the -bin package in the tree for those that still want / need, instead of LibreOffice. What Gentoo is doing is linking to the binary directly from the download mirror. Does that make it clearer now, as to where he’s proving as dense yet again? I honestly don’t think he has any intelligence, nor does he know anything about FLOSS Operating Systems in General. It’s either that or he’s as dumb as a rock. I’ll have to stop talking to him for any subject now. I can’t discuss anything with that level of stupidity from someone. It makes me feel like I’m taking advantage of them.

For those of you reading that shouldn’t even be here because you don’t get it either, here’s why Patrick is so stupid. Package Management.  Two simple words that Patrick is ‘too simple’ to understand. WoW. Let’s say I kept Debian and I installed it from the binary at’s download mirror, how would I get any updates? I wouldn’t right? There isn’t a repository for the packages that I could find. Don’t talk to me about any of this Ubuntu PPA crap either, what a joke.  So, I’d have to setup some way to find out, or just go look daily to see if there’s a new package available for download. That’s a lot of work, right? Also , the Debian package is in a tarball there, I’ll get to why that’s important right now. Here’s the steps ‘if” I even wanted to stay with Debian: 1) Even though this is a one time step, I still have to do it, setup some way to get informed of new releases/updates. 2) Now make sure I check daily to see if there’s a new release/update. 3) If there is one,  open up the site and  download it. 4) Expand the tarball. 5) Install the package. To install the package for the first time there would be two less steps, steps 1 and 2 removed. So three steps for sure.

Now we’ll discuss Gentoo, since it’s exactly the same as Debian according to Captain Planet’s stupidity.

With Gentoo to install the package I would have to go through these steps: 1) emerge openoffice-bin . That’s it, done, one step. To update it: (and your system) here’s the steps: 1) emerge -uavDN world. Again, that’s it, done, one step.

How can anyone be so dumb that they forget all about Package Management? Seriously? But, let’s remember one thing, this doesn’t have anything to do with Package Management, binaries, compiling from source, none of that. The simple thing is this, Debian is forcing me to look elsewhere for, due to their own wants. Gentoo is not, it’s letting me choose. It’s about choice and what’s forced upon you and what’s not. But people really are too stupid to get that. Why are they too stupid? Easy. They live proprietary, they don’t care about freedoms, they’re the Kiddie Distribution Returds. That’s why. 🙂

I’m going to mention someone posting there as well named Antony that is even more stupid than Patrick now. Sounds far-fetched right? WoW! I own this returd, huge!!!!!! LMFAO!!!!!

Here’s the header for Captain Planet’s comment, pay attention to the time: 120 • @109, 103 (by Patrick on 2011-04-13 16:11:15 GMT from United States)

Here’s the returd’s header: 121 • To make things even clearer? (by Antony on 2011-04-13 16:24:42 GMT from United Kingdom)

Bear with me here, there’s two more posts by him! WoW!

122 • Sorry for the formatting in 121 (by Antony on 2011-04-13 16:30:13 GMT from United Kingdom)
……I pasted from an external editor. Will be more careful in future.


123 • Even more sorry (by Antony on 2011-04-13 16:39:53 GMT from United Kingdom)
….that I posted my 121 comment, then to see 120.

Now I am even more embarrassed with my effort 😦


Oh, I bet the Returd Kernelteer is embarrassed! WoW Does anyone see the numbers for his first post, right after Captain Planet’s? This tool went back and forth between DistroWatch Weekly’s comments section and his text editor (see the comment #121 to understand)  around 14 minutes roughly! This returd spent a minimum of 14 minutes posting a comment that I can tell you in complete and utter truth that I won’t read. How bent is he though? I’ve spent exactly 8 minutes typing out this whole post (I added that at the end). Where this goon spent a minimum of 14 “just to get me good” lmao! If he spent that long, I have to wonder how long Captain Planet did! lmfao! WoW. Thanks for showing me that I’ve become such an important factor in your lives that you’re willing to dedicate a quarter hour, or more of your lives just to me! Returds!

Yes, you’re embarrassed alright, and you probably even thought Captain Planet got me with an amazing retort too, didn’t you. Returd!

Anyway, that’s it for those two Returds. I have a review to write up for here, and one to keep working on for Monday to be posted at Landor’s Place .

Keep your stick on the ice…


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Captain Planet and the Kernelteers! The Power Is Yours!!!!!

I recently had a bit of a run-in with some of the goons/returds in the DistroWatch Weekly’s comments section at . I was actually surprised to see a couple people somewhat support my comments that I wouldn’t have ever believed that would. Well, maybe they weren’t really supporting me, but who cares, I’ll remember the gesture next time. Ok, I’m an Elitist, who am I kidding, I won’t remember squat that they did for me.

There was also some background comments from the ever present sheeple too. You know the ones, they don’t like honesty so the minute they see three or four with the balls (see: stupidity for a true definition) to argue against my comments, they feel safe and slink out of the shadows they normally wallow in when it comes to interacting with me on their own. One such person was davemc. Man, he really makes me laugh. This is a guy that professes untold Unix-like knowledge, yet doesn’t know his _ _ _ from a hole in the ground normally. Here’s a case in point: Some months ago he made this huge statement about Gentoo which was totally in the wrong, and talked about hours and hours of installing it, but also considered himself well versed in Gentoo. So he’s as dim as they come and stated that to install Gentoo you have to setup your overlay. I was reading it and went, WTF? What is this freak talking about now? Seriously? Overlay to install Gentoo? I’ve only ever used one overlay, and that was to get an old VIA Chrome chipset to work right ‘before’ the openchrome driver in X worked properly. It had absolutely nothing to do with having to set it up to install Gentoo. Anyway, so this week what does he say? I’ll get a direct quote! This is classic, I love it:

“The fact is that there truly is no advantage to running a source distro over a binary one except perhaps in the “I am the geekiest of all the geeks in the world!!!” factor perhaps. You can compile programs on binary distro’s too. Big whup dee dooo!!”

Dave,  you’ve said you used to use Gentoo right? So, ummm, where does that put you?…..Returd

Another one that has to be as thick as a boulder is Patrick. WoW! I mean that, WoW! How can anyone be as intelligent (by his own reckoning) as he is, yet is as socially inept, with zero comprehension and common sense is beyond me. He hated the fact that I personally deemed him too bent to discuss his views on Software Freedoms, The FSF, and why he thinks Richard M. Stallman doesn’t love him the way he wants him to(no slight against RMS, I admire the man). He has waited for some time no doubt, to exact his revenge for the slight! He’s bent right? lol! Oh Patrick, don’t worry, you really are special. I mean that too. What does Patrick discuss about Gentoo when he actually can’t discuss any real technical aspect of it because he’s as clueless as any other kiddie distribution using noob when it comes to Gentoo? He discusses being Green and saving the planet! lmao!!!!! You’ve got it folks! Patrick ‘Captain Planet’ Van Oosterwijck blames Gentoo (and any other source based distribution) for harm done to the planet! lmao!!!!! What a f’n reach that is! WoW! Let me say it again, WoW! How does Captain Planet achieve this? Easy! He posts some crap about bogus numbers from on-line that prove his stand against the Mighty Gentoo! First let me quote this before we get to the meat of it(and I’m not going to even discuss in detail how utterly dense, and completely over the top every aspect of his quoted comment is, that’s obvious):

“With about 1 billion computers in use, and using the lowball number of 1% Linux use, if every Linux machine would use Gentoo and need to compile for 1 hour a day, and assuming an idle PC needs 100 watts and a compiling one 200 watts, that would add another gigawatt-hour per day in energy wasted worldwide. I like efficiency, and any efficiency you gain by running code optimized for your machine is more than offset by all the compilation needed.”

Ummm…..No…Mr. Planet…Sir…..You like being off your nut (or is that keyboard?), not efficiency, bottom line.

Here’s his next one: “I got those ballpark wattage numbers from the net, where people used real power meters to actually measure the power of their systems while idle and under load. I don’t have a power meter myself. Do you?”

WoW Captain Planet sure has powers! He wasn’t able to get “accurate numbers” from all these ‘real people’ on the internet so he had to make up “ballpark wattage numbers”, but he knows for sure they used “real power meters” (even though they were so inaccurate, but oh so ‘real’,  he needed to make up “ballpark wattage numbers” WoW!) and they were one billion percent able to gather the information and be totally honest about it all, he knows they were!!!! Way to go Captain Planet!!!!! I’m not surprised that Captain Planet doesn’t own a “real power meter” himself, he probably just has some ‘Super Powers’ that lets him insert a ‘probe’.  He actually asks me if I own one of the meters! I guess he wants to really have someone real with a real meter that he could use in a future argument instead of him getting real numbers from real internet people with real meters that he just found from a real search Whether I have one or not is none of your business, C.P., and if I do, it makes me far more energy conscious than you are. A piece of advice, don’t go off on some completely absurd tangent, professing this and that, then quoting some fictitious numbers, from fictitious people, and then asking the person if they have something you should. lmao! WoW!

The next time I need to verify my comments I’m not going to copy Patrick’s wisdom and use ‘real people’ from on-line as a legitimate reference. No! I’m going to do one even better and get my information from the best source there is, Pluto! No, not the planet (I still love it enough to call it a planet). I mean Pluto the dog from Walt Disney. Then I’ll use Pepe Le Pew from Merry Melodies as a ‘real’ reference too!

He thinks he’s so smart it leads him to be as dense as they come. Someone else posted they build/compile Gentoo on their netbook. I’ve stated in the comments section many a time that I was planning to, then was, installing Gentoo on my netbook. I’ve also done the same on my other blog at Landor’s Place. I’d love to know how he thinks my ASUS 1005HA is using a “ballpark wattage number” of 200 watts while compiling..lmfao!!! The brick to charge it has an output of 40 watts maximum. Man he’s thick. Really thick. That’s the problem with the loons that I’ve noticed, they have no idea what they’re even saying from one moment to the next, and they’re more linear than any ruler ever made. Dave was another example. Zero intelligence, zero comprehension, even when it comes to their own thoughts.  You can try to come in and explain it away Mr. Planet, but facts are facts, you’re thick, and that leads you to be narrow minded. Almost the same thing, but not, in your case.

He’s also pro-nuclear power generation. Says it’s the best thing..lmfao! Yes, I agree, Mr. Planet! They’re detecting raised radiation levels in livestock worldwide from the fallout due to the Nuclear Crisis in Japan and it’s the best. Sure it is. Just ask any major Government Body how safe. ‘Since they just raised the safe consumption levels because of Japan that is…..’ Don’t forget, Japan’s also making it worse by dumping radioactive water into the ocean, and why? Simple, they have more they need to get rid of too! Yes, Gentoo, and other source based distributions cause the world severe harm, yet Nuclear Power Generation is the way to go!!!! LMFAO!!!!!!!! Seriously, WoW!!!!!

Captain Planet, doing his all to keep the world safe from Source-Based Distributions,  and still able to leap radioactive dust bunnies in a single bound!!!!! WoW!

All of this started from the simple fact that I yet again called Jesse Smith out on a bad review (he reviewed Calculate Linux). His reviews have become fluff, nothing more. They’re literally getting worse by the week. This happens to a lot of people writing week in and week out. Facts are, he’s doing nothing about it, probably incapable to at this point though. I’ve also come to question his technical abilities as well, really question them. Which could be a good reason why his reviews are what they are. An example of this is a recent ‘Question and Answer’ article of his there. He was ‘supposedly'(I don’t always believe he’s been asked some of these questions, sometimes just fluff to add to DistroWatch Weekly)asked how to remaster a distribution. His answer was probably one of the worst things I’ve seen anyone give as help. It didn’t really answer the main question, and created so many more it was ridiculous. For one, that type of question should not have been answered in such a short space. Second, I honestly don’t believe Jesse knows anything about remastering other than what is generally known by the masses in our community. Okay, maybe a bit more than that, but not much, honestly. If he was asked that question in all truth, he did a disservice to the person with his answer, and in that small space. He should have A) Written a full article on it with reference links to help the reader along, or B) Emailed the person back, told them the question wasn’t suited for the space and gave them some reference links. Not what he did do. It was that bad in my opinion. I personally can’t believe that Ladislav published it. I really can’t. Doesn’t say much for the direction DistroWatch Weekly has taken. I’d rather read a technical review about Puppy than the crap I’ve read there, and that says it all.

Since he’s become popular among the kiddie crowd, he now has a pack of bodynerds ready to take up his cause. Want proof? He didn’t even post a reply comment to me himself this week, he just let the ankle bitin’ returds do it for him. From now on I’m going to be calling them ‘the Kernelteers’, especially when Captain Planet’s in town.

Oh, some others said that the reviews were not that good as well. One also stated that anyone could write a review pretty well. Someone who was defending Jesse’s review replied that they couldn’t do it, etc, etc. So the person who said that reviews were easy to write told the person not to sell himself short. Guess what? He’s so stupid he said he took offense to that..lmfao!

I gotta do it one more time, WoW!

Keep your stick on the ice…



Filed under Opinion

Choice Is A Damn Lie!

Linux kernel based distributions are about choice, right? Who says? I sure as hell don’t.

I love reading all the comments from the proprietary kiddie distribution lovin’ returds about their freedoms being taken away when some distribution doesn’t install something non-free for them. What a hypocritical bunch of nerds they are. They’ll bash the crap out of Windows, sling freedom around like it’s the greatest thing they’ve ever heard of, but take away one thing proprietary/closed source out of a distribution and the flock of sheeple are foaming at the keyboard. Another amusing thing about all that, 99.99999% of them still use Windows, daily, at home, not just for work. What a joke the returds are. “But, but, they just want their computer to work for them, it’s a tool, it’s not meant to be worked on!” Funny though, you’ll find the dims installing and uninstalling distribution after distribution, packages, themes, tweaking this and that, endlessly, but they don’t want to work for their computer, it’s a tool..lmao! That’s different though, as I don’t doubt we’ll soon hear, they want that! Hypocrites to the one.  It’s fun watching the noob pansies getting their panties in a wad as they cry that their rights have been taken away. I think, good, now why don’t you leave, you do about the total sum of nothing for this community anyway.

When I think about choice and freedoms, I think a fair bit differently than those loons. I think of having multiple choices for distributions, applications, not limited to the view of just a few. It’s about the individual’s view, and what they are comfortable with. I think of licenses for software that actually protect my freedoms, completely open, and meant to stay that way. Do we have that kind of freedom? Not a chance in hell. Maybe the sheeple do, or so they think anyway. Blindly bleating so they don’t notice the real truth. The rest of us don’t have them for sure.

How many distributions are there that are purely free? I’ll leave the number for you to find out. It’s rather low. Now, how many distributions are there that have non-free software added to them? The differences in numbers is ridiculous, and far in favour of those that are weekend freedom warriors at best, the sheeple. The ones that don’t really care in the end. If you or I want freedom,  and want something mainstream, we have to make it that way. It’s not fed to us on a spoon like it is the kiddie distribution lovin’ noobs. Freedom costs us, usually. Do we all run around crying and screaming about it though? I’ve only read one other person discuss it, aside from myself, and I’ll get to her in a bit.

More recently, yesterday, I found out that my freedoms were revoked even further by Debian. I’ll explain. I didn’t like what I saw happening last year in our community. The sheeple were showing their true colours to everyone. Mandriva was having financial difficulty and what did a ton of the goons working for them do? They quit, and started talking bad about Mandriva. I hate that crap, disloyal bastards. Also, Oracle bought out Sun. What do we see from that? First thing, the Open Solaris project doesn’t get support. Hey, that’s Oracle’s right. What I found funny was that the guys on the community end of it actually started giving Oracle ultimatums..lmao! C’mon, they really believed they had the right to do that? Of course they did, our community is full of  people running it that are extremely socially inept with absolutely no common sense. In other words, returds. The Open Solaris Community developers took their pail and shovel and went home (started a fork of Open Solaris that you practically hear nothing of Then with the move by the Open Solaris goons, The OpenOffice community guys feels it’s time they should up and walk out as well! Oracle had been fully supporting, and working with the community side of things with OpenOffice. That didn’t matter, they had to pull out and make a fork. Both instances were within less than a year of Oracle taking over Sun, far less. Returds.

Anyway, so the OpenOffice members that left started “The Document Project” and created “Libre Office” a complete copy pretty well of OpenOffice. Then they think that even though they’ve left, and slapped Oracle in the face for absolutely nothing, the ones that were on the community council for OpenOffice believe they can still sit on the council with Oracle. Larry basically told them this, though not these words, I’m sure he thought them, “Are you serious? Beat it! F’n returds”. I would have too. What a bunch of idiots. ‘Yes, we’re leaving, we’re returds and we want our own project like the Open Solaris community, but we still get to say what you do with OpenOffice.’ You see how stupid the people are running this community?  Then they were so messed up in the head they actually ‘expected’ Oracle to hand them over the OpenOffice trademark. They stated that LibreOffice is just a temporary name until Oracle gives them OpenOffice. LMFAO! Good Luck! How long is never from now? Again, returds. Boy are they ever dense.

So that all comes to my point. With their creation of LibreOffice, it seems every distribution under the sun (pun intended) has removed OpenOffice and replaced it with LibreOffice. They’ve taken away my choice! My choice! I won’t support these loons that left OpenOffice for the reasons they said. I won’t support what I consider 2010, not the year of the Linux Desktop, but the year of the Linux Returd, all the disloyal goons bailing out on everything. I won’t support people that acted so stupidly, bringing drama and immaturity to our community. But distributions like Debian, Fedora, etc, try to force me to. They take away my choice. They remove OpenOffice from their repositories fully. The only Debian build that doesn’t have LibreOffice right now is stable (Lenny), and from what I’ve read that’s on its way to happening, but that’s not ‘official’.

You can still get other Oracle products in their respositories, and all the whinin’ hypocrites about Oracle probably still use them, Java, VirtualBox. So what is wrong with OpenOffice? It was great until these panty wearing sheeple split and made LibreOffice, then oh, it was evil! We have to support LibreOffice now! I thought it was about choice? I didn’t see any license changes that made it any different from when these distributions ‘supported’ it before. Like I said, yet they still distribute other Oracle products.  Hypocrites they all be.

I really admire Carla Schroder as a writer and advocate within this community, not to mention her ever growing repertoire of skills and hats she wears/has worn.  I also believe her and I have quite a number of similar views from what I’ve read. I’m going to quote something she said that fits this all perfectly.

“P.S.– I anticipate that someone will raise the usual objection that “Most people don’t care about freedom and open code!” So what? I do. They don’t get to take away my choices.”

Here’s the link to her original article at Linux Planet. I also find it somewhat telling she uses the term “sheep” in her article. 🙂

Where the hell are all my rights going? Instead of me getting rights, all these non-free loving sheeple that only care about freedom when it suits them get all the choices. You weekend freedom warrior goons might not care about these freedoms and choice. So what? I do. You don’t get to take away my choices. Get it returds?

It’s time for me to go back to a real distribution full-time. One that really gives every single one of its users choice. That distribution? Gentoo! It has both OpenOffice and ReturdOffice in its repositories. It’s where I belong anyway, not runnin’ this binary crap that gives you no control over anything.

It’s so long to Debian and any other distribution that doesn’t respect real freedom, choice, and hello my old friend to Gentoo that does! I’m so above the ‘Oh shinyyyyy” kiddies anyway.

Compiling here I come! Did you miss me Larry?

Keep your stick on the ice…


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